What to Do in a Bear Market*

What to Do in a Bear Market*



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Setting Realistic Investment Risk Expectations

Setting Realistic Investment Risk Expectations


Only three months into the new year and it feels like a year’s worth of events have already happened in the economy and financial markets.

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Setting Normal Investment Expectations

Setting Normal Investment Expectations


A CEO of a large investment firm once told a story about a dinner conversation with the head of a large investment fund.  

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A Short Note on Market Perspective

A Short Note on Market Perspective


Well, this doesn’t feel good. Many of us came into 2022 thinking, “This is the year!” The pandemic looked to be easing. Supply chain problems were going to get better so we could get our stuff sooner. Sure, we’ve...

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29 Reasons Stocks Shouldn't Have Gone Up in 2021

29 Reasons Stocks Shouldn't Have Gone Up in 2021


Investment markets’ ability to seemingly defy expectations continued in 2021. There were probably 7,296 reasons why stocks shouldn’t have gone up in a straight line. I’m exaggerating slightly, but here’s an...

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Harnessing the Power of Inflation with I Bonds

Harnessing the Power of Inflation with I Bonds

Personal Finance Investments

On financial and other media outlets, you typically find talk of the next impending doomsday. Recently, the Armageddon is inflation. There is truth to the increase in prices, as anyone who has been to the...

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7 Questions 3M Employees Need to Answer

For over 20 years, we’ve helped 3M professionals achieve their financial goals.

We start by helping them answer these key questions.
Get the Answers
There Are No Facts About the Future

There Are No Facts About the Future


Fact: The S&P 500 has experienced 54 record highs in 2021.

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HSA Funds: To Spend or Not to Spend (a.k.a. Invest)

HSA Funds: To Spend or Not to Spend (a.k.a. Invest)

Personal Finance Investments

In my early teens, I went on a community service trip in Ecuador. Each night, we gathered in a circle and reflected on our day, a famous quote, philosophical question, etc.

One night, we were asked, “Is it better...

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A Breath of Fresh Air in Current Markets

A Breath of Fresh Air in Current Markets


After the Great Financial Crisis (GFC) of 2008 and 2009 much was written about how troubling it was that diversification1 no longer worked. This conclusion was drawn since all stocks moved in the same downward...

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Keeping Inflation in Perspective

Keeping Inflation in Perspective


We hear a lot of questions about inflation lately. It’s understandable. It’s nearly impossible to avoid seeing or hearing mention of it in financial, business, or even popular media these days. Unfortunately, it’s...

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One Thing After Another

One Thing After Another

Investments Audio/Video

Do you remember what the widely publicized financial market concern was before the COVID-19 pandemic began? Neither did I until I looked it up. It was the “Inverted Yield Curve”. I’ll spare you all the mundane...

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An Introduction to Pre-Tax vs. Roth Savings

An Introduction to Pre-Tax vs. Roth Savings

Personal Finance Investments

In 1997, as part of the Taxpayer Relief Act, Delaware senator, William Roth, helped establish the Roth account. In the <25 years since its creation, it has become widespread.

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