We’re here to help you navigate, plan out, and execute your charitable intent.
Charitable giving is more than simply writing a check. We understand the techniques of charitable giving, both basic and sophisticated, and will help you make the right financial decisions.
We’ll walk you through your options and the tax, financial, and investment benefits of charitable giving.
To encourage charitable activity, the tax law has long given favored tax treatment to charitable contributions. As our tax system has become more complex, the laws governing charitable contributions and the strategies to reduce taxes through philanthropy have similarly evolved in their complexity. We will work with you to evaluate the best approach for meeting your charitable objectives and achieving the best tax results.
Effective philanthropic planning is predicated on the notion of choice. The power of charitable giving is perhaps best understood when you acknowledge there are only three places the wealth you do not spend can go. Your unspent wealth can go to your family or friends, to charity, or to the government as taxes. When you leave wealth to your family, the government shares in the bequest. When you give to charity, the government is left out, but so is your family. We’ll help ensure your family is taken care of, the charity receives a generous gift, and the government’s portion is minimized.
Welcome to the midpoint of 2024. I hope everyone had a great 4th of July holiday with family and friends.
Inflation is falling. The job market is growing. GDP growth is exceeding expectations. We’re actually earning interest on our cash and bonds. And corporate earnings growth is expected to accelerate...
I recently read an article in The Economist that discussed topics related to the current state of journalism. It contained a line that could also apply to market expectations – specifically when...